On demand vs Reserved

On demand and Reserved instances are available for Metal and Accelerate.

On demand

On demand hourly

Create and delete servers as you wish with no long-term commitments, paying only for the time you use.

The price is calculated based on an average of 730 hours each month. As not all months have the same number of hours, the price of hourly servers will fluctuate slightly for each billing cycle.

All you need to deploy an On demand server is to make sure the project billing type is set to On demand when creating a project. You can view this information on the Home page of your dashboard.

On demand monthly

On an On demand project, you can choose to deploy some or all servers with monthly billing. This differs from On demand hourly in the following:

  • 5% discount over the hourly price.
  • More predictability over your costs as price stays consistent over the months.
  • Deleting a server does not create pro-rations, and we do not offer refunds. When deleting an On demand monthly server, make sure you only delete it when it's close to the renewal period.


Considerably reduce costs by committing to a server configuration. By reserving an instance, you commit to the configuration, not the instance itself, so you can still upgrade or change instances during the contract.

Save 30% for 1-year contracts. Reserved instances are always paid upfront for the committed period.